
I wanted to take this project to learn how to groom in Maya using xgen. It was super, and it worked way better to export it to the unreal engine to get dynamic hair than it was using blender. This Bat has 93,142 faces. I started the base sculpt in Nomad Sculpt and followed the detail work in Zbrush. When I got a good result, I UV'd and set up Udim's in blender to export into substance painter. I tried taking a more hand painted style but realistic style with this creature! It was procedural nonetheless with my use of masks. I animated and rig quickly in blender in hopes of getting a relaxed pose and an excellent animation to test the hair in unreal engine. It came out pretty good!



Three quarter View 2

Three quarter View 2

Side View 2

Side View 2

The Groom Guides

The Groom Guides

UV Texture Map for the bat Bod. I set up UDIM textures for that

UV Texture Map for the bat Bod. I set up UDIM textures for that

UV Texture Map for bat Wings

UV Texture Map for bat Wings

UV Texture Map for the eyes

UV Texture Map for the eyes